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January 2022 Newsletter

Killer interviews!

In this month's Industry Interviews, loan officer and marketing expert Ryan Ehler sits down with top producer Tom Ahles to discuss work/life balance, efficiency and more. It’s a must-listen with golden nuggets throughout.  Both of these guys are real class acts so check it out! 

Pre-Approve Me Release Notes (All the cool stuff we built or fixed)

This was a busy month at PAM with a lot of Quality of Life improvements and Bug fixes.  We pushed out a lot of cleanup on the Smart 1003, supercharged integrations with Lending Pad and smashed dozens of nagging bugs. Read about each item in detail here in our Release Log. 

Link to release notes page: 

What's to come in the next 30 days? 

  1. Integration with “Top Shelf Processing”, A contract processing company which will allow you to one-click submit loans to Top Shelf! 
  2. Home IQ Integration - Like Leadpops + Homebot (See below)
  3. Several Bug fixes set to be released
  4. New Loan Edit view 

New Partnerships 

This month we strengthened several new partnerships and are announcing a few more which will be rolled out in the next 60 days.

Lending Pad. A revolutionary loan origination system that maximizes productivity. Strong API, good web based interface, enough power for small to medium Bankers/Brokers (From my experience with Lending pad over the last few months, I believe they are very forward thinking, committed to improving their platform and care about their customers) They are focused on all of the back-end functionality, compliance, pricing, secondary and more .. Partnered with us and a good CRM you have a very powerful end-to-end web based platform. 

Home IQ. This is like Homebot + Leadpops combined. Very powerful customer funnel and long term incubation tool for your past clients.  Amazing interface, powerful data, and it’s FREE for your Realtors.  Our integration with them will be done in the next month or so and it is a game-changer.

Apex Reviews. Beta launch with an integrated Reputation Management/Review tool.  Upon a change in Loan status in PAM or CRM  (Closed, Cleared to Close … etc.), Apex will send a text and email invitation for your borrowers to complete a review. Positive Score filtering, automated reminders, and sending customers to the review aggregator of your choice.  (Facebook, Google, Zillow, Yelp and more)  If you are interested in testing this Beta Integration out for us, please let us know! 

Top Shelf Processing.  Experienced contract processing team with the experience to help Brokers, or bankers who need to broker a deal, get loans closed quickly and easily.  You will be able to submit loans to Top shelf right in PAM’s interface with a simple “Submit” button.  This will be in Beta at first, if you would like access please reach out to us. 

See you guys next month!

Michael Neef

CEO - Pre-Approve Me

Michael is a Broker Owner/Loan Officer with 16 years experience. He originally developed Pre-Approve Me in order to solve problems he was experiencing in his own business and is committed to making the Home Loan Process as smooth and easy as possible.

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